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Life process questions with answer

Life process
Question 1.What are enzymes?
Answer: Enzymes are biological catalysts and are proteins that increase the rate of chemical reactions without being used up.

Question 2. Name any one enzyme of our digestive system and write its function.

Answer : Salivary Amylase , Which is used to breakdown of starch into sugars in the mouth and small intestine
Question 3. When do the desert plants take up carbon dioxide and perform photosynthesis ?
Answer : Desert plants take in CO2 through their stomata during night and . Stomata remains close during the day time to prevent the loss of water by transpiration. They store the CO2 in their cells until the sun comes out and carry out photosynthesis during the day time.

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Question 4. Name the term for transport of food from leaves to other parts of plants.
Answer: Translocation of food.
Question 5. Define transpiration .
Answer: Transpiration is the process of loss of water in the vapour form from the exposed parts of a plant.
Question 6. Name the tissue which transports soluble products of photosynthesis in a plant.
Answer: Phloem
Question 7. Name the tissue which transports water and minerals in a plant.
Answer: Xylem
Question 8. How do autotrophs obtain CO2 and N2 to make their food ?
Answer: Autotrophs get CO2 from air and N2 as nitrate or ammonium ion from soil.
Question9. Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digesting protein ?
Answer: Trypsin

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Question9. What is the role of saliva in the digestion of food ?
Answer: Saliva moistens the ingested food with the help of mucus and partially digests starch part of food into sugar with the help of salivary amylase or ptyalin.
Question10. State one difference between autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition.
Answer: In autotrophic nutrition, the food is self synthesized by organisms .In hetrotropic nutrition, food is obtained ready-made from outside .
Question11. What is translocation in plants ?
Answer: Translocation is process of moving food materials in solution form inside plants from the region of their supply or manufacture to the region of their use or storage.
Question12. Name the component of food not digested in stomach.
Answer: Starch and other carbohydrates.
Question13. Mention the site of complete digestion of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in humans.
Answer: Small intestine.
Question14. Identify the category in which organisms using carbon dioxide and water as food preparation.
Answer: Trypsin
Question15. Define the term Nutrition.
Answer: The process by which any living organisms obtain their food and utilisation is known as nutrition. The process of nutrition occurs in five stages:
1.Ingestion: Intake of food through mouth. Humans have holozoic mode of nutrition. They engulf solid particles.
2.Digestion : The break down complex food material into simpler one in alimentary canal with the help of mechanical as well as chemical process.
3.Absorption: Digested food is absorbed by the small finger like projections, villi present in the small intestine.
4.Assimilation : Absorbed food reaches to all cells via blood, and utilized for energy, growth and development.
5.Egestion : Undigested food from small intestine passed into large intestine, and then it is thrown out by Anus
Question 16. Define the term life process.
Answer: All process performed by any living organism in order to maintain their life are called life process.
Question 17. list out five life processes .
Answer: five life processes
1. Nutrition
2. Digestion
3. Respiration
4. Transportation
5. Excreation
Question 18. Define Metabolism .
Answer: Metabloism is the sum total of all chemical reactions happening inside the living organism in order to maintain their life.
Question 19. What are the different metabolic processes?
Answer: There are two types of metabolic process: 1. Anabolism
2. Catabolism
Question 20. What is Anabolism?
Answer: Anabolism is a biochemical process in metabolism where the simple molecules combine to synthesis complex molecules.This process requires energy to progress the anabolic reaction.
An example of an anabolic reaction is photosynthesis, where plants make glucose molecules from different CO2 and Water molecule.
Question 21. What is Catabolism?
Answer: Catabolism is a biochemical process in metabolism where the complex molecules breakdown into simpler molecule.This process releases energy
Respiration is an example of Catabolism in which prtiens breakdown into amino acid.
Question 22. Mention the role of following in human digestive system –
a) mucous
b) Bicarbonate
c) Trypsin
Answer: a) Mucus – It protects the inner living of stomach from HCl.
b) Bricarbonate – It makes the acidic food alkaline so that pancreatic enzymes act on it.
c) Trypsin – It digest proteins into amino acids.
Question 23. What are outside raw materials used for by an organism?
Answer: Outside raw materials used for by an organism are:
a. Food
b. Water
c. Oxygen
Question 24. What is the role of the acids in our stomach?
Answer: Role HCl in our stomach:
(a) Kills the harmful bacteria present in food
(b) Prevents fermentation of food
(c) Make the medium acidic for action of enzyme pepsin.
Question 25. How is small intestine deigned to absorb digested?
Answer:The inner lining of small intestine has numbers of finger-like projections called villi. Which increase the surface area for absorption. The villi are richly supplied with blood vessels, which transport the absorbed food to each and every cells of the body. Where, it is utilized to obtaining energy and repair of old tissues.
Question 26.Where does cellular respiration take place?
Answer:Cellular respiration takes place inside the cells of all organisms.
Question 27.What is aerobic respiration?
Answer:The process of breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration.
Question 28. What are some common uses of Yeast?
Answer:Yeast are used for making bread, wine and beer.
Question 29. Name an organism that can survive in the absence of air.
Answer: Yeast
Question 30. How do earthworms breathe?
Answer: Earthworms breathe through their skins.
Question 31. What are the end products of anaerobic respiration?
Answer: The products of anaerobic respiration are alcohol, carbon dioxide and energy.
Question 32. What is produced during anaerobic respiration in muscles that causes cramps?
Answer: Lactic acid
Question 33. What is breathing?
Answer: The process of taking in air rich in oxygen and giving out air rich in carbon dioxide with the help of respiratory organs is called breathing.
Question 34. What is inhalation and exhalation?
Answer: Taking in of air rich in oxygen into the body is known as inhalation and giving out of air rich in carbon dioxide is termed as exhalation
Question 35. What role does hair present in the nasal cavity play in the process of respiration?
Answer: During inhalation, the dust particles get trapped in the hair present in our nasal cavity. The hairs present in the nasal cavity acts as a filters the air.
Question 36. What is normal range of breathing rate per minute in an average adult person at rest?
Answer: 15 to 18 per minute
Question 37. What is the percentage of oxygen and carbon dioxide in inhaled and exhaled air?
Answer: Inhaled air: Oxygen 21% and Carbon dioxide 0.04% Exhaled air: Oxygen 16.4 % and Carbon dioxide 4.4%
Question 38. In which kind of respiration is more energy released?
Answer: Aerobic respiration released more energy than aneorbic respiration.
Question 39. Which part of the roots is involved in the exchange of respiratory gases?
Answer:Root hair that is the part of the root ,which is involved in the exchange of respiratory gases.
Question 40. Name the term for transport of food from leaves to other parts of plants.
Answer:Translocation of food
Question 41. Which process in plants is known as transpiration?
Answer:The loss of water in the vapour form from the exposed parts(leaves) of a plant.
Question 42.Name the tissue which transports soluble products of photosynthesis in a plant.
Question 43. Name the tissue which transports water and minerals in a plant.
Question 44. How do autotrophs obtain CO2 and N2 to make their food ?
Answer: Autotrophs get CO2 from air and N2 as nitrate or ammonium ion from the soil.
Question 45. Which pancreatic enzyme is effective in digesting protein ?
Answer:Pancreatic Trypsin.
Question 46. Leakage of blood from vessels reduces the efficiency of pumping system. How is leakage prevented?
Answer:Blood contains platelets. In the region of leakage, the platelets burst and release thromboplastin.Which helps in coagulation of blood and seal the place of leakage or injury.
Question 47. Name the component of blood that helps in the formation of blood clots in the event of a cut.
Answer:Blood platelets release thromboplastin on rupturing.
Question 48.State basic difference in the processes of respiration and photosynthesis.

Respiration is a catabolic process in which glucose is broken down to release energy during photosynthesis.
Photosynthesis is an anabolic process in which glucose and other organic substances are manufactured from raw materials with help of solar radiations.

Question 49. – Name the intermediate and the end products of glucose breakdown in aerobic respiration.
Answer:Intermediate: Pyruvate,End Products: CO2 + H2O (+ Energy)
Question 50. What is the purpose of sending blood to the kidney for filtration?
Answer:To remove of nitrogenous wastes, excess salts and some toxins.
Question 51.Name the component of food not digested in stomach.
Answer:Starch and other carbohydrates.
Question 52. State the purpose of making urine.
Answer:To extract the soluble waste products from the blood .
Question 53. State the function of alveoli in the lungs.
Answer:Main function of alveoli exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) between blood and air.
Question 54. Ventricles have thicker muscular walls than atria. Give reason.
Answer:Ventricles have to pump blood with high force so that blood reach even distant capillaries, right ventricle into lungs and left ventricle to all the remaining body parts, on the other side atria has to pump blood into adjacent ventricles.
Question 55. Name the process used by single celled organism for taking in food, exchange of gases or removal of wastes.

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